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Automation gains ground in the fresh produce industry

Thanks to its collaboration with the software service provider activeIT, EDITEL now serves additional clients in the fresh produce industry.

When it comes to fruit and vege­tables, today’s consumers are more demanding than ever. They want their fruit and vegetables to be freshly picked and harvested while being na­turally beautiful and without any im­perfections. It goes without saying that customers expect a full range of products to be available in sufficient quantities at all times.

It is exactly the­se high customer demands that make merchandise procurement in this in­dustry so complex and fast-paced. In addition, stores frequently change their orders. Another challenge is that so-called substitute articles may be delivered when the originally ordered article is not available.

For example, if grapes are no longer available in pla­stic containers, they will be delivered in cardboard boxes. Both ERP and EDI systems need to be able to handle these challenges if they are to support the physical flow of merchandise at the highest level. The Austrian soft­ware provider and consultant activeIT offers an ERP system tailored to the needs of this industry, which is suc­cessfully used by many renowned cli­ents. To ensure that all EDI connec­tions run smoothly, activeIT relies on the expertise of its partner EDITEL.

Marko Klein, managing director of activeIT, commented on this collabo­ration: “EDITEL is a highly reliable partner for data processing who will efficiently and expertly process any data formats provided by our clients to our full satisfaction.”


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