+ 43/1/505 86 02 -0

Privacy Policy

Data protection declaration

The protection of your personal data is one of our major concerns. For that reason, any kind of personal data is processed in compliance with legal provisions (Data Protection Act, Telecommunications Act 2003). The present data protection information shall describe the most important aspects of data processing in relation to our website.

This website can generally be used without providing personal data. Wherever personal data (e.g., name, address or e-mail address) are collected on these pages, this is done with your explicit authorization based on your own decision. We will not share such data with third parties without your explicit consent.

Your rights

In connection with personal data you are entitled to obtain information about data processing, adaptation and erasure of data; you have the right to restrict data processing, the right to data portability, the right to withdraw your consent for data processing and the right to object to data processing. If you believe that the processing of your personal data infringes on the right of data protection, or that your personal rights in connection with the data protection law are violated for any reason whatsoever, you are entitled to complain to the respective supervisory authority. In Austria, the responsible authority is the Austrian Data Protection Authority www.dsb.gv.at.

Security measures

Please note that we take state-of-the-art measures to protect your data. However, data transmission over the internet, such as email communication, cannot be completely secure and may have security gaps. We regularly review, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of our technical and organizational data security measures.

Contact form

When users get in touch with us (e.g., via our contact form, e-mail, phone, or via social media), we will process their data to the extent necessary for processing user requests and performing any requested activities.

We process contact requests we receive as part of our contractual or precontractual relations in order to fulfill our contractual and pre-contractual duties or to process (pre)contractual requests. In addition, we process them based on our legitimate interest in replying to such requests.

  • Processed data types: master data (e.g., names, addresses), contact data (e.g., e-mail, phone numbers), content data (e.g., entered text, photos, videos)
  • Data subjects: communication partners
  • Data processing purpose: contact requests and communication


You have the possibility to sign up to our newsletter via our website or via e-mail. In this context you need to provide an e-mail address and your approval regarding the receipt of the newsletter. As a general rule, we use the double-opt-in process for newsletter subscriptions. After subscribing to the newsletter, we will send you a confirmation e-mail. Please click the included link to confirm your registration and your acceptance of our data protection declaration. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter any time. To do that, use the link provided in the newsletter or Please send an e-mail to news@editel.at. We will immediately remove your address form our mailing-list.

Use of cookies

Cookies are text files that gather data from websites or domains visited by a user and that are saved by the browser on the user’s computer. Cookies are mostly used to save information about a user during or after his or her visit to online offerings. Saved information includes, among others, languages settings for a given website, the login status, the shopping cart, or the spot where a video was watched. By cookies, we also understand other technologies that have the same functions as cookies (e.g., when information provided by users is saved with pseudoanonymous online identification processes, also known as “user IDs”).

The following cookie types and functions exist:

  • Temporary cookies (also called session cookies): temporary cookies are deleted at the latest after a user has left specific online offerings and closed his or her browser.
  • Permanent cookies: permanent cookies will be stored even after the browser has been closed. For instance, this allows for the login status to be saved or to directly display preferred content whenever a user returns to a website. In addition, user interests that are used for measuring a website’s reach or for marketing purposes may remain on such cookies.
  • First party cookies: first-party cookies are cookies that we set ourselves.
  • Essential (also called required or strictly necessary) cookies: some cookies may be strictly necessary to operate a website (e.g., to store login information and other user information or for security reasons).
  • Performance, marketing and personalization cookies: cookies are generally also used to measure a website’s reach and to create a user profile with information about a user’s interests or behavior on specific websites (e.g., specific content viewed, functions used, etc.). Among others, such profiles are used to display content that might meet a user’s potential interests. This process is also known as “tracking,“ which refers to following a user’s potential interests. Wherever we use cookies or “tracking” technology, we will let you know about this in a separate data protection policy or when we request your consent.

Information about the legal basis: the legal basis we rely on for processing your personal data with the help of cookies depends on our requesting your consent or not. If this is the case and if you accept the use of cookies, the legal basis for processing your data will be the consent provided by you. If not, we process data with the help of cookies based on our legitimate interest (e.g., the profitable operation of our online offerings and improvement) or, wherever the use of cookies is required, to meet our contractual duties.

General information about revocation and opting out: Depending if the data processing relies on a consent or a legal authorization, you have the option of revoking your provided consent or opting out of the processing of your data via cookie technology at any time (together called “opt-out”). As a first step, you can revoke your consent by adjusting your browser settings, e.g., by deactivating the use of cookies (this might affect the functionalities of our online offerings). You can also revoke your consent to the use of cookies for the purposes of online marketing via a number of different services, especially in the case of tracking, by going to the website http://optout.aboutads.info or http://www.youronlinechoices.com. Additional revocation options are available from participating providers and cookies.

Consent-based cookie data processing: before we process data gathered from the use of cookies or have them processed, we request users for their consent which they can revoke at any time. Before receiving this consent, we only place cookies that are essential for the operation of our online offerings. This use is based on our legitimate interest and the users’ interest in our online offerings’ expected functionality.

Adjust cookie settings

Web analysis

Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager

This website uses the service of “Google Analytics” offered by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to analyse the visits of websites by users. This service uses “cookies” – small files that are downloaded onto your computer. Cookies collect information that is send to a Google server located in the USA, where it will be stored. On this website IP anonymisation is applied. This process is implemented via shortening the user’s IP address in EU Member countries and within the European Economic Area. By doing so, the personal identification of your IP address is omitted. In the context of the data processing agreement concluded by the website provider and Google Inc., the use of the website and other website activities are evaluated on the basis of collected information, in addition specific services in connection with the use of the internet are provided. You have the opportunity to avert the installation of cookies on your computer by changing the settings of your browser. However, if the browser does not accept cookies, the flawless functioning of the website cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, a browser plugin allows you to inhibit the transmission of information that was collected via cookies (including the IP address) to Google Inc. and thus avoid the further use of information by Google Inc. The following link leads you to the respective plugin: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en. For further information regarding the use of data by Google Inc. see: https://policies.google.com/privacy.

Moreover, this website uses Google Tag Manager. This service allows the surface-based management of website tags. Tags are small code elements that are used as a tool to measure traffic and visitor behaviour. Google Manager simply implements tags. Cookies are not installed in this context and no personal data are collected. Google Tag Manager triggers other tags that collect data, if applicable. Nevertheless, Google Tag Manager does not apply such data. In case deactivating was implemented on domain or cookie level, it still exists for all tracking tags, provided they have been implemented via Google Tag manager https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/tag-manager/.


This website uses “Leady” operated by Imper CZ s.r.o. (Victor Hugo 359/5, Prague 5, 15000, Czech Republic). This service employs the finger print method and therefore, cookies are not required. Information about the use of this website is collected and sent to the Imper server, where it will be stored and further processed on an anonymised basis. Thus, no personal data are recorded. If required, a report established by TÜV-SÜD (German Association for Technical Inspection) can be provided. Personal data sent to the website via newsletter or contact form are directly forwarded to Leady without any modification. For further information regarding data protection and Leady please see: https://imper.cz/en/.



In order to facilitate the EDITEL newsletter registration, this website provides an interface to the eworx newsletter program offered by eworx Network & Internet GmbH (Hanriedestraße 25, A-4150 Rohrbach-Berg). When you register, data such as e-mail address are automatically forwarded to eworx and stored on their servers; data are only used for the sending out of EDITEL newsletters. In order to guarantee that your personal data are managed in accordance with the law, a data management agreement was concluded with eworx, which safeguards compliance with all legal provisions in relation to the use of personal data. For further information regarding data protection and eworx please see the section about data protection: https://www.eworx.at/datenschutzhttps


This website uses the electronic platform ISSUU (Kollwitzstraße 75, 10435 Berlin, Germany) to publish the EDITEL journal. Cookies are installed by ISSUU and browser data are transferred to ISSUU. If you do not agree with this procedure, you can block the execution of cookies in your pop-up blocker. For further information regarding data protection and ISSUU please see: https://issuu.com/legal/terms.


This website uses plugins provided by the YouTube website operated by Google. Both sites are operated by YouTube, LLC (901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA). If you visit a site of our online presence that contains a YouTube plugin, a direct connection to the YouTube servers will be established. Consequently, the YouTube server receives the information, which one of our websites has been visited. If you are logged in to your YouTube account, YouTube can assign your surfing behaviour directly to your personal profile. This can be avoided, by logging out of your YouTube Account. For further information regarding the use of user data please see the YouTube privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en&gl=en.

Provision of the online offer and webhosting


We use a so-called “Content Delivery Network” (CDN). A CDN is a service with whose help contents of our online services, in particular large media files, such as graphics or scripts, can be delivered faster and more securely with the help of regionally distributed servers connected via the internet; Legal Basis: Legitimate Interests (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR).

EDITEL Contact

If you have further questions or if you need more information about EDITEL data protection do not hesitate to contact us:

Alexander Schaefer
+43/1/505 86 02

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