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Digital Archiving

Safe storage for electronic documents

Digital document archiving is a great option to complete automated business processes. It ensures that space and resources needed to store documents are reduced as much as possible. It also puts any relevant document you may need at your fingertips immediately.

EDITEL’s archiving solutions include a wide variety of functionalities, especially when it comes to archiving EDI data. In addition, EDITEL’s security standards guarantee that this archiving solution is auditproof (legal compliance in accordance with EU directive 2010/45/EU, confirmed also by auditing firm EY) making it a perfect choice for storing sensitive data for which data integrity is key (e.g. invoices, documents, contracts, etc.).

Your benefits

  • Available as managed service or in-house solution
  • Maximum security standards
  • Any data format can be archived (especially EDI formats)
  • Complies with EU directive 2010/45/EU
  • Data integrity
  • Integrated interface to EDI platform eXite®
  • Online access
  • Preview and download of original documents
  • Print document copies
  • Integrated access for tax auditors, if needed
  • Scalable, flexible retention period

Legal regulation for the archiving of electronic invoices

Compliance with legal requirements for the archiving of electronic invoices must be ensured over the entire storage period and includes the following basic requirements:

  • Authenticity of the origin of the electronic invoice (assurance of the identity of the provider of services or the issuer of the invoice)
  • Integrity of its content (required content has not been altered) Readability (content must be clear and understandable for humans)

Please contact your local EDITEL office to learn more about the legal regulations in your country.

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