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Uniqa Simplifies its Reporting Processes

Given the ever growing amount of reports that need to be sent to the Czech National Bank (CNB) and the gradual adaptation of reporting practices as part of the introduction of Solvency II (EU project for the fundamental reform of insurance supervision law in Europe), UNIQA needed an application for the banking sector that met all these complex reporting requirements.

Provided by EDITEL, “GenStat“ was exactly the specific solution UNIQA needed to meet the demanding reporting needs of the CNB. This application allows users to swiftly create and send statistical reports from financial institutions to the Czech National Bank and has a structure that aligns with this methodology. Reports are created automatically from data files in each bank’s internal information system. In addition, GenStat automatically applies new reporting methods defined by the Czech National Bank and monitors deadlines and the status of specific reports.

In brief

  • The increasing number of reports UNIQA needs to deliver to the Czech National Bank (CNB) called for a new reporting solution
  • Provided by EDITEL, GenStat is an advanced solution for reporting purposes from banks and insurance companies to the CNB
  • All reports are automatically created from data in the internal information system
  • New requirements by the CNB are taken into account and processed automatically


UNIQA Group is one of the leading insurance corporations and has its core markets in Austria and central and eastern Europe. UNIQA has more than 40 subsidiaries in 19 countries and serves more than 10 million clients. Since 1993, UNIQA has been active on the Czech insurance market and ranks among the top ten insurance companies in the Czech Republic, experiencing above-average annual growth.

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